I know it’s a tad bizarre to talk about underwear for kiddos…but I wish someone had told me about the softest boy underwear when I was searching the under-roo aisle of Target with a reluctant-to-potty-train toddler and a screaming refluxy colicky infant…but I hold no grudges…obviously.
Anyway, back in the day (like 4 short years ago), I couldn’t find any SOFT underwear for my oldest. I had him help me pick out character underwear at Target to make him excited about potty training, but he was pretty picky once we got home and didn’t like the “tight” elastic waistband. It sorta makes me laugh now cause I’m totally thinking “first child problems” as I’m writing this, but still. So, I searched high and low for boys’ underwear (briefs, not boxers) that had covered elastic waistbands and I could only find them at Hanna Andersson (one of the reasons that I will forever love this brand). At that time, they didn’t have any “character” underwear but they have added Marvel, Justice League, & Star Wars to their in-house designs which covers all the bases in my house. I admit that the underwear are a little pricey, but in typical Hanna fashion, they are built to last and I have yet to find a hole in any of the pairs that we own, so I’m happy with my purchases. Plus, I always buy them on sale and if you are quick, you can sometimes find them when Hanna is on Zulily. So, if you’re coming up on the potty-training process, or have a sensory-sensitive kiddo, or just like cute/soft/durable undies, head to Hanna (here) and scoop some up…they have waaaaaay cuter patterns now than they used to!