HI! I’m a mom of 3 boys – I feel like that is enough said most days. Our house is full of chaos and cuteness on a daily basis – just like most houses with kiddos. I decided to start this blog because I’m always on the hunt for cute, sweet, fun boy things – clothes, gifts, toys, etc. I feel like there are SO MANY cute options for girls and waaaaaaay less for boys. Especially if I’m looking for:
- Clothes that are the right mix of preppy/southern/traditional but practical, and somewhat with-it…I don’t need the boys constantly dressed in knee-high socks and saddle oxfords, but I also can’t let myself give in all the way to the Under Armour obsession they have.
- Toys that aren’t all nerf guns, swords, and other obtrusive objects that are just waiting to poke an eye out.
- Books that that my kiddos love and that I don’t want to hide on the top shelf so that they gradually make their way to the donation pile.
I could go on and on about how picky I apparently am, but I’d rather just share my favorite things as I come across them. Some may be new obsessions and others may be old basics – but I enjoy hearing what other moms/kids love in their house and thought that other boy moms might be looking for the same. Let me know when you find something that becomes a new favorite in your house!
P.S. Don’t think for a minute that I don’t obsess over all of the cute girly options out there. I can barely decide what to pick out when I buy a present for any of my adorable nieces or other little girls in my life. It’s just a little harder to find those cute/unique boy finds and I wanted a community that could share what we found!